Itayi Artwell Mareya 博士(男),津巴布韦,自 2023 年 9 月起在888集团官网担任副教授。他在中国保定市河北大学完成了应用语言学博士学位和汉语国际教育专业硕士学位。他还拥有学士学位,并持有外交服务、TESOL 和中文 HSK6 证书。
Dr Itayi Artwell Mareya (Male),Zimbabwean ,is an (Associate Professor) at Hanjiang Normal University,Chinasince September 2023.He specializes in English Linguistics. He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and a Masters in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages from Hebei University,Baoding city, China. He also holds a Bachelor's degree and holds certificates in Diplomatic Services, TESOL,and Chinese HSK6.
He has been an English teacher for high school students and taught various English courses including English Linguistics, grammar, comparative studies and English for intercultural communication, and College English.
The Bachelors research area focused on African Historical Matters, while the Masters and Doctorate researches focused on a Comparative study of Chinese language with foreign languages.
Mareya 博士迄今已在国际期刊上发表了 10 篇英文研究文章,并正在编写四本语言教育教科书和词典以供出版。欲了解更多信息,请访问
Dr. Mareya has so far published 10 English research articles in international journals and is working on four language educational textbooks and dictionaries for publication.For more information please visit;https://orcid.org/0009-0009-7677-273X
In 2016 he was awarded the best HSK5 test takers at Hebei University for foreign students.
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